Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I had another ultrasound scheduled because I'm behind with my weight gain and the Dr. wanted to make sure the baby is growing.  I wasn't too worried about it because I've got a healthy reserve of "nutrition," but then I started getting things in the mail that said I was authorized for extra ultrasounds due to my diagnosis of "Poor fetal growth."  Well that just played mind games with me and kept me up at night!

I hadn't had an ultrasound in about 2.5 months, so I was so happy to see my little girl!!  Everything is looking normal and healthy.  The little miss is weighing in at 2.2 lbs which is a relief because she is actually a week ahead!  She is just stealing all my food and putting it in her belly!  She is lying in a transverse position (parallel to the ground) which I had suspected since I only feel her kicks on my right side and an occasional punch to the bladder.  And get this, she has a full head of hair!!    This is a shocker because I was a baldy when I was a baby.  It was such a relief to know that she is gaining weight and all my efforts to shovel food in haven't gone to waste.

I also got to walk away with the first ultrasound picture where she isn't looking like a squirrel.  I cannot get enough of that sweet face!  Look at those lips and sweet little nose! I am one proud mama and am quickly becoming one of "those people" who feels the need to show everyone a picture of my baby! Sorry!
Close up of the hair

I really think once Hershey's egg season rolls around, I'm really going to show that scale who's boss!!


  1. You're adorable Whitney! I'm so excited for you and can't WAIT to see that sweet angel! And I'll look at pics of her any time!!

  2. I wonder what color her hair is? Very exciting times.

  3. She's a cutie! What a great picture. You are going to be a great mom. By the way, I saw Hershey's egg yesterday at Target. There is a small end cap pf Easter candy in the back of the Valentine's candy.
