Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2012 was a big year!

A lot of great things happened to us in 2012. I think 2013 will have a hard time trying to top it.  Here's a highlight reel, if you will since my blogging has been a little lack luster:

We made a check off my bucket list with a visit to France, Spain and Italy.  I still dream in baguettes, crepes and macarons!

I briefly got back into running over the summer and did some fun 5Ks and lost a few lbs (always a good thing!)

On Halloween we announced the wonderful news that we are having a BABY!!!  Still in awe and excitement everyday about this!

I tortured my family by making them wait to find out the sex until my sister got home from her mission....

We found out we were having a GIRL and shared the news with PINK cake!

My favorite brunette sister came home from her mission to Chile and I graduated from nursing school after a final internship on a cardiac unit!

What a year!! We feel incredibly blessed!  I can't wait to see what 2013 has in store for us!


  1. How did I not know you we're pregnant!?! Congrats! And double congrats on the girl ;)!

  2. Wow!!!Congratulations!!!
    I am so excited for you.

  3. Fun to see the year in review and all the great events that happened. The birth of a new little girl will be the event to remember in 2013!!!

    Love, Robert & Vickie
