In my last trimester of pregnancy, I spent a ton of time scouring the internet for lists on what I needed to take with me to the hospital and to have ready to be prepared to care for my baby. Luckily, there are a ton of mommy bloggers that have great lists, but I just wanted to add my two cents to the interwebs on what I wish I had ready or what I would have not wasted my time with.
Hospital bags:
1.) Bring food!! A lot of it! You will be HUNGRY! Like a whole new kind of hunger you've never experienced before. Normally, I'm a 2 slice of pizza kind of a girl. After giving birth, I ate 5 slices of pizza!!! Don't judge me, you'll do it too. Plus the hospital food is Gross with a capital G and they won't feed your husband.
2.) Lanolin. Put this stuff on your nips every night a week before you deliver and then after every feeding. No cracking or bleeding for this girl!
3.) PJs. I found it awkward to breastfeed in a hospital gown. 2 piece pjs worked for me.
4.) Boppy pillow. I found it useful to learn how to breastfeed in the early days. Have the nurses or lactation consultants help you with your holds and latch. If they don't offer...ASK!!
To have ready at home:
1.) Clean house and freezer meals. I felt a little crazy stocking my freezer with a zillion lasagna roll ups and muffins, but I am so glad I did!! It was 6 weeks before I could even think about putting my baby down to make some food or clean house.
2.) Cookies. A newborn is a stressful thing. You will need lots of cookies.
3.) Trash TV. You will be spending a lot of time awake. Best to do so in the company of the cast of Grey's Anatomy or the Kardashians.
4.) Swaddle options. We tried swaddling with a few different blankets and not swaddling. We ended up liking some by Summer Infant. It was trial and error. For us swaddling = more sleep which everyone desperately needs!
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