-21 lbs 7 oz
-27.5" long
-Wears 12 month clothes
She sits up on her own pretty well, but has ZERO interest in crawling. She likes to "stand up" with help. I wonder if she will skip crawling altogether and just get up and walk one day. She is a great eater! She readily accepts any food I give her! She loves songs! Especially "The Wheels on the Bus." She loves to go for walks. She loves our Baby n' Me class we go to every week. She is very alert, observant and curious. She wants to be a big girl. She drinks from a straw like a champ. She says "Mamamamamamama-mom-mamamamamama" all day and night. She also growls on a regular basis. Yes, a full blown orc growl. Its very unladylike and makes everyone laugh.
She is such a beautiful and happy baby, which is a good thing since she no longer sleeps through the night. I love bath time because she's such a chubby rollie pollie! She inherited her dad's beautiful blue eyes. We are constantly bombarded everywhere we go by old lady admirers who tell us to "enjoy these years" and strangers who touch babies.
Love my beautiful, snuggly, sweet baby girl!